Getting a jump on Christmas
Amazing, the number of knitting books that come out each year offering speedy knits for Christmas. I wish they applied to me. Unfortunately (or fortunately, to judge from the finished product, IMOSHO) I like knitting with fingerweight or DK yarns, which is thinner and finer than bulky, requires thinner and finer needles, and takes a whole lot longer. So waiting until the last minute isn’t an option.
I got a jump on it this year – it being my holiday hat project that usually involves three hats, one for each of my nieces. Actually, it’s not always a hat. One year, it was a scarf-hat, which was a hat with ear flaps that extended down into a long scarf. Last year I made a neckwarmer that could be pulled up to cover the nose and mouth as well if need be, or even doubled up and worn as a headband to cover the ears. Very versatile. All of these.
What to make this year? The inspiration came from Evie’s beret – Evie being my newest grandchild for whom I knit this.
The pattern was a freebie on Ravelry, found here for you Ravelers. It was fun to make and adorable. So why look further? Even better, my sister was making fingerless mitts for the girls, so I used the same yarn. A set. Cool! Since I’d be using worsted weight yarn rather than the sport weight of Evie’s, all I had to do was to up the needles two sizes and the measurements were perfect for preteen girls.
I worked two hats at a time. I actually do this with socks, too, not so much to avoid second sock syndrome as to remember what I’ve done. By doing the cuff of one then the cuff of the other, the heel of one then the heel of the other, I remember how I did the first and just repeat it without thinking.
I finished the first two hats this weekend. Just have to decide what to put on the top.
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