Archive for October 2011
Writing in snow
We woke up this morning with a dusting of snow on the ground. It wasn’t a surprise. The weather guy has been forecasting it all week, and people have been talking, most with moans and groans. Not me. I’m ready. The trees are already half-bare; pine needles cover the yard. A coating of snow pretties…
Read MoreWhen good knitters do bad things
I messed up big time. Talk about a knitter’s nightmare? I made one of those mistakes that you don’t see until the project is done, at which point, of course, it’s too late to fix it! I’m talking about Evie’s socks – the pair I was knitting to and from Houston when I ran out…
Read MoreLake news
We were at the lake this weekend, and it was amazing. The foliage is past peak, but there were still a few brilliant shots. The lake water is colder now, so you don’t get the mist rising as it did in September when the water was warmer than the air. And the water is very…
Read MoreBig damage at a book signing
I kid you not. It happened yesterday in West Hartford, Connecticut, where I did an UPLIFT signing at Lyn Evans Potpourri Designs. Don’t know the name? If you live in New England, you likely do. There are eight of these stores in Massachusetts and Connecticut; they are specialty boutiques that carry chic clothes for women…
Read MoreHouston Keynote for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Talk about airport projects, I had tons of knitting time getting to Houston and back. Since there were no direct flights where the times worked for me, I had to go through Charlotte. Throw in a little extra time there, both in the terminal and in the air, and I might have gone nuts if…
Read MoreKnitting through the pain
Dentist appointment today. Though I don’t loathe them like some people do, there’s still enough annoying … digging … that I need my pacifier – i.e., my knitting. I was working on socks once while waiting for the novacaine to take effect, and my dentist said, “You’re going at that pretty hard. Nervous, are you?”…
Read MoreOne of the perks of being a writer is …
… meeting other authors. Today was a perfect example. I was one of three authors at a book and author brunch at the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts. Perkins is world-renowned, and the event itself was amazing. The men and women who attended (many with guide dogs) were fascinating to me; I…
Read MoreThe junk man cometh
I’ve decided that the next best thing to steam-in-the-bag veggies is the junk man – you know, the guy with the 800 number and the truck, who comes on a day’s notice and picks up all the stuff you don’t even want to touch. Seriously. I have no idea what dead things lie in and…
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