Book Review

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird


The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver via @barbaradelinsky #BookReview #books #review

I loved Josie Silver’s first book, ONE DAY IN DECEMBER, so when I had a chance to read an advance copy of this one, I jumped at it. No disappointment here. I loved THE TWO LIVES OF LYDIA BIRD as well.

In a nutshell, the story is about a woman whose fiancé, the love of her life, dies in a car crash. In her enormous grief, and with a little help from the sedatives her doctor prescribes to help her sleep, she rejoins her lover in a second, nighttime life that parallels her waking present.

And then there is her sister, present in both lives. And her best friend, who was also her fiancé’s best friend. The role they play is heartrending and real.

All this appears in the public synopsis of this book, so I’m not divulging spoilers. While I won’t say more, I will say this:

THE TWO LIVES OF LYDIA BIRD offers wit in abundance, deeply satisfying characterization, and a mega-dose of heart. What a journey these characters take, and what magic this author uses to bring each of them alive.

Josie Silver is fresh, insightful, and daring. Her voice is one of rising strength in women’s fiction today.

Looking forward to her next book? You. Bet. I. Am.




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