This is Why I Have Four Reasons For Hope

This is Why I Have Four Reasons For Hope by @barbaradelinsky #hope

No, this is not a political blog. I’m not touting one candidate over another. The election of 2018 is over. Some races went the way I wanted, others did not. For me, though, four things stand out. Four BIG reasons for hope:  Women can do it. Record numbers of women ran – and WON –…

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This is the Reason Women Must Still Rock The Boat

“Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.” I saw this last week on a mug in my local CVS, and it brought back memories of a tee-shirt I had with the same message until dozens of washings decimated the words. I still have an apron whose bib reads, “Every mother is a working mother.” That one…

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A Woman’s Place

I remain devastated by the recent election, in part for how it relates to being a woman.  Much has been said about the message Hillary Clinton’s loss sends to young girls.  But what about me?  What about other women my age?  What about the message her loss sends to us? I’ve always worked.  From the…

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BD does the island

Think “energy of women.” I did not come up with this phrase. My agent did when, yesterday, I was telling her about spending last week on a tiny island with seven other women. The island in question is part of the Thousand Islands archipelago in the St. Lawrence River in Canada. At the tippy top…

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